disposable-emails Readme v1.0.0

Assets activity chart

Disposable / Temporary emails database

This is an up to date repository that holds the list of disposable registrable domains used by different disposable email suppliers.

Data is collected and processed manually. We don't rely on any of the Github repositories available or other temporary email sources that might be unverified or not fresh.

How is this different from other similar assets?

Similar assets only provide the domain name of the generated disposable email address. This repository also provides the domain name of the supplier with information on when they were created and updated.

Data collection

Data is collected manually, weekly and the process of validating and collecting the data looks as follows:

1) On a random day of the week, using Google Chrome incognito mode we're performing a search using https://www.google.com or https://www.bing.com engines for: disposable email, temporary email, fake email

2) We select the first 50 results

3) We manually filter out websites that don't offer disposable emails or are paid services

4) On the websites that do provide temporary emails manually generate one and store the results

Additional notes

Domain names

The domain names for supplier and disposable email are registered or registrable domains. This means they are the public suffix plus one additional label.

To better understand this see the examples below:

Disposable email found Disposable email supplier Stored email domain Stored supplier domain
82eca6a84eefaec@mail.disposable.email www.temporary-emails.com disposable.email temporary-emails.com
john.doe@smtp.temp-mail.co.uk www.temp-mail.co.uk temp-mail.co.uk temp-mail.co.uk
mark@email.temporary-email.xyz www1.temp-mail.com temporary-email.xyz temp-mail.com

Make sure you account for that if you are using the API, which would be preferred if you want to take advantage of constant updates.

Paid services

This repository may not include domains from paid disposable email sources.

Blacklisted Domains / Spam

If you're looking for a repository that holds blacklisted domains this is not it! This repository does not track domains used for spamming.

Use cases

There may be many various different usage examples for this database including but not limited to:

  • removing fake accounts - registered users who have used a temporary email to register
  • filtering out temporary emails from the mailing list database
  • stopping or detecting users who register using a temporary email

Top Email Providers

Even though there are services offering temporary gmail.com accounts we've decided that this repository will never contain a domain from top email providers like: gmail.com, yahoo.com, hotmail.com, aol.com, hotmail.co.uk, hotmail.fr, msn.com, yahoo.fr, wanadoo.fr, orange.fr, comcast.net, yahoo.co.uk, yahoo.com.br, yahoo.co.in, live.com, rediffmail.com, free.fr, gmx.de, web.de, yandex.ru, ymail.com, libero.it, outlook.com, uol.com.br, bol.com.br, mail.ru, cox.net, hotmail.it, sbcglobal.net, sfr.fr, live.fr, verizon.net, live.co.uk, googlemail.com, yahoo.es, ig.com.br, live.nl, bigpond.com, terra.com.br, yahoo.it, neuf.fr, yahoo.de, alice.it, rocketmail.com, att.net, laposte.net, facebook.com, bellsouth.net, yahoo.in, hotmail.es, charter.net, yahoo.ca, yahoo.com.au, rambler.ru, hotmail.de, tiscali.it, shaw.ca, yahoo.co.jp, sky.com, earthlink.net, optonline.net, freenet.de, t-online.de, aliceadsl.fr, virgilio.it, home.nl, qq.com, telenet.be, me.com, yahoo.com.ar, tiscali.co.uk, yahoo.com.mx, voila.fr, gmx.net, mail.com, planet.nl, tin.it, live.it, ntlworld.com, arcor.de, yahoo.co.id, frontiernet.net, hetnet.nl, live.com.au, yahoo.com.sg, zonnet.nl, club-internet.fr, juno.com, optusnet.com.au, blueyonder.co.uk, bluewin.ch, skynet.be, sympatico.ca, windstream.net, mac.com, centurytel.net, chello.nl, live.ca, aim.com, bigpond.net.au